Shieldmodding by Discookie


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This all wouldn't have been possible without Ruirize! Thank you for putting up with my endless buggery and failed pushes, and thank you for initial testing! Check out LIV, a mixed reality tool he's helping develop!

Special thanks to Zekses and Flatlander who put up with my endless rambling and helped bring some ideas to life! Check out their mods: Zekses' fork and Flatlander's mod!

Also don't forget about previous mods of the game such as Even Harder and Expert! This all wouldn't be possible without you! (literally, because I wouldn't have access to the mods :> )

And last, but not least, the game itself: Audioshield! And its developer Dylan!

...You want to support me?

Latest releases

Stable - 0.30

  • Public release
  • Cleaned up code, How-To-Play
  • Updated graphics

Dev - 0.50c

  • Custom scorer
  • External settings
  • Send me output logs!